Tuesday, July 16, 2013

2SCS pg. 181-182 #13-21

a. 6 mol
b. 5 mol
c. 5 mol

a. 1 mol
b. 621 g
c. 56 g
d. 223 g

----  x 100
= 70% not 67%

a. Ag2S- 87% silver
b. Al2O3- 53% aluminum
c. CaCO3- 40% calcium

a. 68% lead
b. 10% PbSO4
c. 6.8% Pb

a. The difference between recycling and reusing is recycling is when something is re-processed, cleaned and purified and then comes back in its original form or a new form and reusing is when you use something over again for the same purpose or a different purpose until it cannot be used anymore.
b. Two examples of reusing are taking old newspapers and use them as a mulch or compost for the garden or using a grocery bag for trash. Two examples of recylcing is a recycled water bottle might become a milk cartoon oe=r a recycled metal cans may be used for appliances. 

a. Four examples of renewable resources are fresh water, air, fertile soil, and plants. 
b. Four examples of nonrenewable resources are metals, natural gas, coal, and petroleum. 

a. reusing
b. recycling
c. reusing

21) The life cycle of light bulb is shorter because it can only be recycled, while newspaper can be recycled and reused, thus lengthening its life cycle. 

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