Monday, July 22, 2013

3SAS pg. 233-235 #1-30 (except #2, 4, 9, 14, 24, 25)

1) A hydrocarbon is a molecular compound that only contains atoms of hydrogen and carbon. 

3) Petroleum is a nonrenewable resource and can be used as both fuel, which can be converted to gasoline, can provide heat,  can deliver energy, and can be used to make manufactured goods. 

5) By saying crude it is meant that it is unrefined. 

6) I couldn't find the answer. 

7) Some fuels obtained from crude petroleum include: kerosene, petroleum oil, gasoline, and lubricating oil. 


a. Candles, water bottle, soap, rubbing alcohol are all houshold items made from petroleum. 
b. palm oil could replace petroleum in candles, aluminum could replace petroleum in water bottles, detergenst could replace petroleum in soap, and Isopropyl alcohol could replace petroleum in rubbing alcohol. 


a. Middle East has the most petroleum reserves.
b. Western Europe has the least petroleum reserves. 


a. Central Asia, Far East, and Oceania has the most petroleum consumption.  
b. Africa has the least petroleum consumption. 

12) Density could be used to seperate two different liquids if the substance are not dissolvable.

13) A mixture with the substances water and acetone would be the easiest to seearate from each other by distillation because water has the highest boiling point, while acetone has the lowest boiling point, causing it to be easily seperated. 


16) Fractional distillation differs from simple distillation because fractional distillation is a refining that does not seperate each compound in a mixture, but produces several distinctive mixtures, called fractions, while simple distillation is the seperation of liquid substances according to their differing boiling points. 

light:  naphthas and solvents, petrochemicals, and refined oils. 
intermediate: gas oil, petrochemicals, and diesel fuel oil.
heavy: heavy oils and wax, cracking stock, and petrochemicals. 

18) In a distillation tower I would expect the fraction with the highest boiling range to be at the bottom of the tower because substances with the highest boiling points never vaporize, which causes them to drain to the bottom of the tower. 

19) A way to further separate the components of each fraction would be to apply distillation techniques in a large-scale. 

1. Methane
2. Pentane 
3. Hexane 
4. Octane
Since this order increases in boiling point it also shows an increase in stronger intermolecular forces because the higher the boiling point the stronger the intermolecular forces are. 

21) A covalent bond is the sharing of two or more valence electrons between two atoms. 

22) Atoms with filled outer electron shells not form covalent bonds because valence electrons, which have electrons within atoms unfilled, outer shell, participate in a bond so that means that atoms with filled filled outer electron shells must not bond. 

23) A covalent bond linking two atoms is like two dogs tugging on the same sock because like the two dogs the electrons much share the sock and even though the dogs may pull away  from each other, they are still going to be connected by the sock just like atoms will still be connected by a covalent bond. 

26) I can't find the answer. 



28) The electron-dot representation of a carbon atom shows only four atoms because it represent the valence electrons. 

a. C9H20
b. C16H34
c. C10H22
d. C18H38

a. 128g
b. 226g
c. 142g
d. 254g

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